Morava Wood - Czech Republic
Morava Wood specializes in the production of solid oak floors. Its customer portfolio includes major European home improvement retailers as well as home construction professionals and commercial flooring companies. Thanks to the high quality of its products and innovative production methods, Morava Wood is a leader in the solid oak flooring industry.
In 2010 Morava Wood produced over 150,000 m2 of solid oak flooring for customers all across Europe. The basic flooring material - timber – is supplied solely from Czech Republic, and exclusively from sustainable forests. Timber dries in two facilities, each with a volume of 250 m2. A state-of-the-art computing system ensures the correct drying process. The timber is pre-dried, outdoors and under roof, guaranteeing the timber will make stable flooring. In the production hall, the dried material acclimates for several days to weeks while the wood moisture is monitored continuously.